Tao Tao
Associate Professor
Email 469398281@qq.com
Research Interests
Digital technology of landscape architecture planning
Physical geography,
Cartography and GIS
Professional Activities
Member of Geographical Society of Chongqing
2002/09 - 2005/06,School of Geography, Nanjing Normal University, Doctor of Science in Cartography and Geography Information System
1997/09 - 2000/06, School of Geographical Sciences, Southwest University, Master in Physical Geography
1993/09 - 1997/06, School of Geographical Sciences, Southwest University, Bachelor in Geography Education
Work Experience
2007/09 -present, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chongqing University, Associate Professor
2005/06 - 2007/08, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chongqing University, Lecturer
2000//06 - 2005/05, School of Geographic Information and Tourism, Chuzhou University, Lecturer
2015/08-2016/07, Delft University of Technology, Netherland, Visiting Scholar