中文 En CQU
Department of Building Technology


       Tang Mingfang




    PhD Supervisor


    Email tmf@cqu.edu.cn

Research Interests

Building thermal engineering

Building thermal environment


1992/09 –1995/06, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chongqing University, Building Technology, PhD

1984/09 –1987/06, Yunnan University, Department of Mathematics, Basic Mathematics, Master of Science

1978/09 – 1982/06, Chongqing Institute of Architectural Engineering

, Department of Basic Science, Bachelor of Science in Mathematics

Work Experience

2003/10 – present, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chongqing University, Professor, PhD supervisor

1997/10 – 2003/09, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chongqing University, Associate Professor, Supervisor for postgraduate students

1995/07 –1997/09, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chongqing Architecture University, Lecturer

1987/07 –1992/08, Chongqing Institute of Architectural Engineering

, Department of Basic Science, Lecturer

1982/07 –1984/08, Chongqing Institute of Architectural Engineering

, Department of Basic Science, Teaching Assistant

extend1 Professor extend2 PhD Supervisor
extend3 Email tmf@cqu.edu.cn extend4