Gong Cong
Supervisor for postgraduate students
Assistant of the Head of the department of Architecture
E-mail gongcong89 @cqu.edu.com
Research Interests
Eco-City Public Space
Architectural Theory and Architectural Review
Professional Activities
Member of the Architectural Society of China,
Deputy Secretary General of the Vernacular Architecture Branch of the Architectural Society of China
2014/03—2018/07, Southeast University, PhD, supervisor:Qi Kang
2015/08—2016/09, Pennsylvania State University, Joint degree PhD program, Supervisor:James Wines
2012/09—2014/03, Southeast University, Successive Postgraduate and Doctoral Program, supervisor:Yang Zhijiang
2006/09—2011/07, Shandong Jianzhu University, department of Architecture of School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Bachelor of Architecture
Work Experience
2021.09—present, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning , Chongqing University, Supervisor for postgraduate students
2018.09—present, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning , Chongqing University, Lecturer