中文 En CQU
Department of Building Technology


        Yan Yonghong




    PhD supervisor

    Class 1 Registered Architect (PRC)


    Email 65120701 @126.com


Research Interests

Healthy lighting research and its industrialization,

Urban lighting planning

Indoor and outdoor architectural lighting design

She is committed to the integration of lighting art and the latest lighting technology with related medical technology and arts, exploring new urban lighting theories and methods in cross-disciplinary cooperation and deeply interpreting the art of lighting.

Professional Activities

Distinguished Professor of Chongqing "Bayu Scholar" Program (2015-2018)

President of Asian Association of Lighting DesignerAALD

Director of China Illuminating Engineering Society

Director- in- Chief of Illuminating Engineering Society of Chongqing

Director of Construction Technology Committee of Chongqing Civil Architecture Society

Member of the Editorial board of Journal

China Illuminating Engineering Journal and Professional Lighting Design


1994/09——1999/06 Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chongqing Architecture University, Doctor of Engineering in Building Technology and Science

1991/091994/06, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chongqing Architecture University, Master of Engineering in  Architectural Design and Theory

1984/091988/06, Chongqing Institute of Architectural Engineering

, Department of Architecture, Bachelor of Engineering in Urban Planning

Work Experience

2007/12present, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chongqing University, Professor, PhD supervisor

2001/092007/12, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chongqing University, Associate Professor

1999/072001/09, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chongqing University, Lecturer

1988/07 1991/09, Chongqing Architectural Design Institute, Design Deparment4, Assistant Engineer

2004/09 2005/09, University of Manitoba & University of Calgary, Visiting Scholar

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