He Ying, PhD, associate professor. Email: he_ying@cqu.edu.cn
Research fields: Architectural technology and science.
Academic achievements: Project Moderator of the National Natural Science Fund of China; Project Moderator of State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Building Science South China University of Technology; Project Moderator of the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities. Project participant of three National Natural Science Fund of China, Project participant of one research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China, Project participant of one key scientific and technological project of Science and Technology Commission Foundation of Chongqing city; Project participant of two national and one local regulation and standard. He is project Moderator of more than thirty projects for landscape lighting planning, and advertisement planning and landscape design. Twice Awards by Outstanding urban planning and design prize in Chongqing (Grade1 and 3).Has published more than thirty Architecture academic papers, Include one SCIE index paper and five EI index papers;