天津大学-麦考瑞大学双学位博士。现为重庆大学建筑城规学院弘深青年学者,教授,博士生导师。长期从事室内环境和建筑系统的快速预测和智能化监控。通过构建人工智能模型,解决了实际运行条件下建筑关键信息的预测难题,发展了一系列智能、低碳、以人为本的建筑运行控制策略。作为研究骨干参与国家十三五重点研发项目等科研项目,研究成果收录于《中国建筑能耗研究报告(2021)》。在国内外著名期刊、会议上发表论文30余篇,被引用2600余次,个人h指数为17,担任国际期刊Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy副主编、Smart construction青年编委及Building and Environment和Energy and Buildings等期刊审稿人。298C7

1. 基本信息:










Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy副主编

Smart construction青年编委

Building and Environment和Energy and Buildings等期刊审稿人



2. 教育简历:

2015/09 – 2021/01,天津大学,环境科学与工程学院,供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程专业,工学博士

2018/08 – 2021/08,麦考瑞大学,生物医学专业,哲学博士

2011/09 – 2015/06,重庆大学,城市建设与环境工程学院,建筑环境与设备工程专业,工学学士

3. 工作简历:

2025/02 –至今,重庆大学,建筑城规学院,弘深青年学者,教授,博士生导师

2024/02 – 2025/02南洋理工大学,电子信息工程学院,博士后研究员

2021/07 – 2024/01新加坡国立大学,设计与工程学院,博士后研究员

4. 代表性成果:


[1] Xilei Dai, Siyu Cheng, and Adrian Chong*. "Deciphering optimal mixed-mode ventilation in the tropics using reinforcement learning with explainable artificial intelligence." Energy and Buildings 278 (2023): 112629.

[2] Xilei Dai, Wenzhe Shang, Junjie Liu*, Min Xue, and Congcong Wang. "Achieving better indoor air quality with IoT systems for future buildings: Opportunities and challenges." Science of The Total Environment 895 (2023): 164858.

[3] Lizhi Jia, Junjie Liu, Adrian Chong, andXilei Dai*. "Deep learning and physics-based modeling for the optimization of ice-based thermal energy systems in cooling plants." Applied Energy 322 (2022): 119443.

[4] Wenzhe Shang, Junjie Liu, Congcong Wang, Jiayu Li, andXilei Dai*. "Developing smart air purifier control strategies for better IAQ and energy efficiency using reinforcement learning." Building and Environment 242 (2023): 110556.

[5] Xilei Dai, Junjie Liu*, and Yongle Li. "A recurrent neural network using historical data to predict time series indoor PM2. 5 concentrations for residential buildings." Indoor air 31, no. 4 (2021): 1228-1237.

[6] Xilei Dai, Junjie Liu*, and Xin Zhang. "A review of studies applying machine learning models to predict occupancy and window-opening behaviours in smart buildings." Energy and Buildings 223 (2020): 110159.

[7] Xilei Dai, Lixiang Huang, Yi Qian*, Shuang Xia, Winston Chong, Junjie Liu, Antonio Di Ieva, Xiaoxi Hou, and Chubin Ou. "Deep learning for automated cerebral aneurysm detection on computed tomography images." International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 15 (2020): 715-723.

[8] Xilei Dai, Junjie Liu*, and Xin Zhang. "Monte Carlo simulation to control indoor pollutants from indoor and outdoor sources for residential buildings in Tianjin, China." Building and Environment 165 (2019): 106376.

[9] Xilei Dai, Junjie Liu*, Xin Zhang, and Wenhua Chen. "An artificial neural network model using outdoor environmental parameters and residential building characteristics for predicting the nighttime natural ventilation effect." Building and Environment 159 (2019): 106139.

[10] Xilei Dai, Junjie Liu*, Xiangdong Li, and Lei Zhao. "Long-term monitoring of indoor CO2 and PM2. 5 in Chinese homes: Concentrations and their relationships with outdoor environments." Building and Environment 144 (2018): 238-247.

[11] Ruiqing Chen, Junjie Liu, andXilei Dai*. "Adsorption equilibrium of ammonia and water on porous adsorbents at low pressure: Machine learning-based models." Journal of Cleaner Production 378 (2022): 134351.

[12] Jiangxi Chen, Siyu Shao, Yifei Zhu, Yu Wang, Fujie Rao,Xilei Dai*, and Dayi Lai*. "Enhanced automatic identification of urban community green space based on semantic segmentation." Land 11, no. 6 (2022): 905.

[13] Zhi, Yuan, Tao Sun, Ding Gao, Xiaomeng Chen, Guanqiong Wei,Xilei Dai, and Xudong Yang*. "Achieving net zero energy heating by integrating the building envelope as a thermal battery." Iscience 27, no. 6 (2024).

[14] Yatai Li, Jing Hou, Zukun Wang,Xilei Dai, Yuexia Sun, Junjie Liu, and Yingjun Liu*. "Phthalate levels in Chinese residences: Seasonal and regional variations and the implication on human exposure." National Science Open 2, no. 6 (2023): 20230011.

[15] 刘俊杰、戴希磊、刘进宇、赵磊著.《中国建筑节能年度发展研究报告2021(城镇住宅专题)》第6章“城镇住宅通风”,中国建筑工业出版社,2021

4.2 科研课题:

[1] 面向智能暖通空调系统控制的近零能耗建筑能源管理研究(Development of NetZero BEMS through AI-based HVAC System Control,AISG2-TC-2023-008-SGKR),新加坡全国人工智能中心(AISG),参研人,2023/07-2025/07

[2] 针对热带地区混合通风建筑的人因感知和控制的总体方法研究(A total building performance approach to real-time occupant centric sensing and control for mixed mode ventilation in the tropics,COT-V4-2020–5),新加坡国家自然研究基金(NRF),参研人,2021/07-2024/07,已结题

[3] 国家“十三五”重点研发计划项目,住宅通风策略与室内空气质量建设,国家科技部,参研人,2016/07-2019/07,已结题


[1] 2021年度天津大学环境科学与工程学院优秀党员