

1. 交换生由重庆大学建筑城规学院推荐选派,申请人应提供学业背景与经历材料,杜塞尔多夫应用科学大学建筑学院持有最终录取权利。

2. 本科生与研究生不限,但应至少完成了两学期在校学习。

3. 每年重庆大学建筑城规学院最多选派5名学生参加交换项目。


1. 交换时间为一学期或者一学年。

2. 交换期间可选修由杜塞尔多夫应用科学大学建筑学院提供的所有课程。

3. 所修学分回中国后根据重庆大学学分认定规定进行转换。


1. 交换生享有杜塞尔多夫应用科学大学本校生同样的校园服务与教育资源。

2. 交换期间应严格遵守杜塞尔多夫应用科学大学规章制度,杜塞尔多夫应用科学大学 对学术不端或行为不端交换生持有开除的权利。

3. 交换项目完成后,交换生应按期回国。如需延期,需征得双方学校同意。


1. 交换生将可以面交杜塞尔多夫应用科学大学学费。

2. 按照当地规定,需交纳注册费与社会福利费(其中包含了一学期在大杜塞尔多夫地区与德国联邦州北莱茵地区的公共交通费与意外保险费用)。

3. 交换学生自行承担书费、生活费、住宿与餐饮费、签证费、旅游交通费、健康保险费用与其他费用。

Student Exchange Program between Chongqing University(Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning)

and Fachhochschule Düsseldorf-University of Applied Sciences(Department of Architecture)

Fachhochschule Düsseldorf-University of Applied Sciences (FH D for short) was founded on 1 August 1971 by combining several renowned regional educational institutions.The educational and research emphasis at FH D has a strong practical and interdisciplinary approach. The university guarantees that course contents are connected to practical work necessities since they are based on extensive professional experiences.In the interest of expanding educational opportunities and furthering international understanding,Chongqing University, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning(“CQU”) and Fachhochschule Düsseldorf-University of Applied Sciences, Department of Architecture(“FHD”) agree to facilitate the educational exchange students in the field of studies in architecture.


1. Only well-qualified individuals for participation in the program and those academic backgrounds will be provided to the host institution. Students must have completed at least two semesters of studies or equivalent at the home institution.

2. The host institution reserves the right to determine the final admission eligibility of each student nominated by the home institution.

3. Each institution may send up to 5 graduates or undergraduate students each year.

ⅡEnrolment and Credits

1. The period of enrollment for exchange students will be for one semester or one academic year.

2. Students from Chongqing University may enroll at the FH D- subject to the usual university regulations and policies-in the following courses: courses offered by the Department of Architecture.

3. Any academic credit earned at the host institution may be transferred to the home university in accordance with the procedure determined by the latter.


1. All student services and facilities of the host institution will be made available to exchange students.

2. Exchanges students are subject to the rules and regulations of the host institution. The host institution reserves the right to dismiss an exchange student at any time due to academic or personal misconduct.

3. Upon completion of their exchange period at the host university, exchange students will return to the home institution. Any extension of stay must be approved by both universities.

ⅣFinancial Arrangements

1. Exchange students shall be exempt from paying tuition fees at the host institution.

2. A registration fee might still be applicable according to the local and national regulations. At the FH D exchange students have to pay a social semester fee, which includes amongst others a semester ticket for public transportation in the greater Düsseldorf area and German federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia as well as accident insurance on FH D grounds.

3. Each student will be individually responsible for their living expenses, room and board, travel and visit costs, health insurance, books and other personal expenses.

